Odonatologica publishes original articles in all fields of odonatology.

    Odonatologica publishes original papers in all fields of odonatology. Review articles, i.e., original and critical accounts of important, rounded-off topics, are also explicitly welcome, but authors who plan to write a review should contact the Editor first. It is a semi-annual journal, published on 1st June and 1st December. It is general policy that submitted papers will be refereed. Publication language is English.


Print ISSN: 0375-0183

Online ISSN: 0375-0183

Current: Dec 2023 : Volume 52 Issue 3-4

BioOne Member Since: 2022

Frequency: Biannual

Impact Factor: 0.5

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: ENTOMOLOGY 93/109

Journal Citation Indicator: .31

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